You are allowed to hate me...
First of all let me clarify that I am not trying to explain myself, I am against reservations and no one can really change my mind. It's gone on too long and despite what Vaibhav says, is NOT effective.
What I am disappointed about, is his immediate reaction to what he perceived as my assumption of superiority. Possibly (but I won't take the brunt for it) prompting him to write this post.
What I was trying to elucidate - possibly with a degree of political incorrectness - was that reservations are almost never used for anything other than buying votes anymore. Upper middle class students are going to college at the exchequer's expense while the really needy ones have to settle for second best and if anyone doesn't believe that he should get a reality check.
If dalits are disillusioned by their unchanging social status then they will sure as hell never change it with stamp on their I-cards that says they can study for free. I am sick of hearing stories about how dalits need reservation, what they need is a free library and parents who don't drop them out of school, both of which are not really achieved by notarising their caste certificates. How it can be done, I don't know. Those at the bottom have to work harder, as unfair as it may sound it is the only way and you are allowed to hate me for speaking the truth.
P.S: If anyone is surprised at the blatant use of the word "dalit" then I must say that I prefer it to "backward class" because I don't believe their is anything backward about anyone's class irrespective of what the government would like to print on a piece of paper.